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CRM Software Development Company In Delhi
SPG TECHNOLOGIES provides CRM where customer can easily manage company work and customer work by Manage leads, Follow Up, Meetings ,Quotation, Order and delivery date, Invoicing, Target Vs Achievements,
1) Target Vs Achievements - Admin can set the target of employee and CRM automatically calculates the employee achievements and ranks.
2) Lead Managements - User can add there lead in CRM. in lead manage CRM provides facility to add customer information like name, mobile ,address etc and there requirements.
3) Meeting/Followup Managements - User can manage there meetings . CRM automatically inform today's meeting/Followup , this week meeting and Followup etc.
4) Order Managements - User can received and deliver order. CRM show the complete track of order process
5) Invoice Managements- User can generate invoice on a single click on orders. CRM generate and print the INVOICE automatically.
6) Employee Reporting's - CRM provide facility to submit daily work reports. admin and sub-admin and team leader can easily track the work reports of all employee.
7) Purchase Order managements - CRM provide facility to generate purchase order and send to vendors.
8) Purchase Managements - CRM provide facility to purchase item from vendors and keep the track of purchase.
9) Progress Reports - CRM generate graphical progress reports of company and employee.
10) Reminders - CRM generate reminders of today's, tomorrow meeting and followup. unattended meetings and followups
11) Robotics( Auto email and SMS) - CRM automatically email employee work report,complains and payment reports to admin and there responsible employee.
Custom CRM Software Development Company in Delhi
SPG Technologies CRM 99.9 % reduce the paper work of company. its automate the complete work process of a company. admin, sub admin can track the status of company and employee on single click. we have 1000+ satisfied customer within India and out side India. all of the customer happy after using the SPG technologies CRM. They easily manage the complete work process of company.
CRM Software Company In Delhi
SPG Technologies provides cloud based, Intranet based, LAN based CRM. CRM can easily operate on any device like Mobile, PC, TAB etc. Also can access on any platform like Windows, APPLE and Linux. CRM easily access within company and out side the company by internet. CRM is 100% secure and safe.
CRM developed on MVC.Net and MS-SQL database. its fully safe and secure. no worry about data loss and hack. is a latest technology of MICROSOFT Company. that is fast and 100% safe and secure.